Thursday, July 28, 2011

19 weeks Update

After putting off going to see the dentist for a while, I finally set up an appointment. One of my molars basically decided it was time to separate from its other half. About a year ago, after finding a dentist who claimed to fix it by moulding a new half for it twice and not being successful I decided to give one of the other dentists in the unit a go. He has filled my cavities before and I havent had problems. I really have a hate relationship with going to the dentist but couldnt put this off anymore because of the pain. Turns out he Couldnt do what he would have like but can only wait till after the baby so he is monitoring it till then. I must say I feel much better, no tears and even decided to take a pic of my belly from their rest rooms. So that is me 19 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
How far along? 19 weeks and 6 days
Size of Baby: Baby equals a large heirloom tomato in size and weighs 8 1/2 ounces. (length: 6 inches, head to bottom)

Total weight gain/loss:I have gained a total of 4kg so far  
Maternity clothes? Some maternity leggings and now most of my clothes are asking for leave.
Stretch marks? None, still doing the oiling, cant wait for this dry winter to end. So looking forward to humidity today when we fly to Durban.
Sleep: Not at all last night was the worst not sure if it was because of the visit to the dentist but the last three nights I have tossed and turned even Wayne has noticed it.
Best moment this week: Lots of stuff has happened the wardrobes being vanished, yet to come I would say today as we head down to Durban for BC's appointment tomorrow.
Movement: To be honest I'm not sure, they say one should feel flutters or bubbles and I havent felt that I have instead felt something similar to a pulse but really strong in weird places or may be I'm just not that observant and sometimes its just gas.
Food cravings: None just cant stand chicken.
Gender: We still dont know hoping and praying the baby keeps its legs open tomorrow/Friday.
Labor Signs:None
Belly button in or out? It's basically on the fence it sticks out abit when im so bloated.
What I miss: Being able to bend and pick up things normally.
What I am looking forward to:Our 20 week appointment tomorrow, and see BC (Baby Cook)
Weekly Wisdom: Pregnancy is over rated, there are things they dont tell you and you have to find out on your own.
Milestones: Oh being able to mop the house phew.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A complishments

These days I find myself m aking a big deal over things/chores that I get done around the house.  The dog and cat seem to have taken a back seat since finding out we were expecting not intentionally though, I  have also found myself prioritising stuff around the house. Sometimes its, if I can make dinner tonight then that is so major. Poor Wayne he has been such a star, and alot of help around the house. I Love you babe. Of late as my energy levels are getting better, Im trying to catch up,in our home that looks like it was struck by a tornado. Its a mess and I am ashamed but if there is anything this pregnancy has taught me.... is always do what you can and leave the rest for the next time if it ever comes around and appreciate what Wayne does around the house even when I find that the whites in the laundry are nolonger white but either green or red. At least they are clean right:)
My mother would be so shocked if she walked into our home today.
Last evening I could cross stuff off my list !!!
Bath cat -is a digger she digs dirt and burries herself in it. The joys of having a red cat instead of a    black and white one hence the need for daily baths
go to yoga
get dinner read well buy it -pizza for dinner
Load the dish washer
make the bed
Do a load of washing
Looking forward to many more chores being crossed off the list.
Enjoy the pic of my lazy heater hogging babies.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

18 Weeks update

How far along? 18 weeks and 4 days
Size of Baby: Size of a bell pepper
Total weight gain/loss:1.5kg
Maternity clothes?
 I have just  been using the maternity leggings other than that I bought 2 sizes bigger clothes tha im wearing.
Stretch marks? None, Im lotioning myself like a machine
Sleep: Would have been better if our babies fudge and jiji had good sleeping habits.
Best moment this week: Spending the whole weekend with my wonderful hubby :)
Movement: None either im not alert or this baby is just so laid back.
Food cravings: None just cant stand chicken and any smell of juice .
Gender: We still dont know hoping and praying the baby keeps its legs open next week on Friday.
Labor Signs:None
Belly button in or out?
What I miss: Not being tired al the time and not having pins and needles.
What I am looking forward to:Our 20 week appointment next week and starting with the renovations in the house.
Weekly Wisdom: Pregnancy is over rated. The end result is fabulous though.
Milestones: Buying most of the stuff for the renovations.

Monday, July 11, 2011

17 Weeks Update

I cant believe we have reached week 17 already, on Friday I went and had blood drawn for tests. My hand was sore till yesterday. Im hoping this is thelast time Im having blood drawn its so painfull during the previous one, the lady tried  three times and finally managed to insert the needle correctly the forth time,by this stage I was in tears. Luckily this time around different hospital and nurse she got it first time around. All in all Im feeling better, definitely getting my energy back.
Quality is not great pic was taken at 5am.
How far along? 17 weeks 2 days
Size of Baby: Baby is about the size of a turnip
Total weight gain/loss: 1.5 kg
Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes as yet.
Stretch marks? Nothing
Sleep: Sleeping fine besides, Fudge our dog who has now developed a habit of chewing I dont know what in the night. Last night he received an eviction notice from our bedroom.
Best moment this week: Spending all weekend with Wayne and being able to do some work I have been putting off due to lack of energy, sanding the desk that has been in our gagrage for 6 months now. Almost done.
Movement: Nothing, thought it was movement and it turned out to be just gas!!!
Food cravings: Canned peaches in syrup.
Gender: We still dont know.
Labor Signs: None
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to do everything I did before, like chores around the house and gardening.
What I am looking forward to: Having hubby back on Thursday as he travels tonight. Going to miss him terribly.
Weekly Wisdom: The week is still young .....
Milestones: Making payment for the stroller :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 16 Update

I have been really bad at blogging, reason pregnancy, its so over-rated!! Im tired and when Iget home all I want to do is lie down and not do anything but hopefully I'm hoping I will blog at least once a week.

How far along? 16 weeks
Size of Baby: Baby is about the size of an avocado
Total weight gain/loss: Stepped on the scale this morning and I have not gained any weight. I have no idea whether Ishould be worried or not.
Maternity clothes? No maternity clothes as yet, but had to go and buy a couple of outfits that are about 2 sizes bigger as the maternity dresses are too big. But definitely not fitting into my normal clothes.
Stretch marks? No stretch marks, Im praying they dont show up b ut my tummy is so itchy and i have scratched myself raw. Using bio-oil more than twice aday deligently. It had better work !!!
Sleep: I sleep fine, I often wake up once in the middle of the night every second day to pee, its such a pain, we are in  the middle of winter and sitting on a cold toilet sit is not what I bargained for!!
Best moment this week: Hmm the week has just begun, but I was able to do some bit of tidying around the house and made dinner too.
Movement: Nothing .
Food cravings: None I'm still not eating chicken and many other things I loved, at the moment I'm stuck with strawberry easy oats, canned peaches and beef.
Gender: Dont know, will hopefully know on 29th July our next appointment.
Labor Signs: None
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss:  Being myself, I'm now forever tired and still nausea, I thought by this time I would be done with morning sickness but clearly I'not and this sucks big time. I miss me !!
What I am looking forward to: Getting my blood test done on Friday week 17.
Weekly Wisdom: None
Milestones: I guess getting to week 16

PS No Belly Shot I dont think there is anything change, may  be I'm in denial but will try for next week.