Size of baby: BC is the size of a butternut squash. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing bigger to make room for her developing brain. To meet her increasing nutritional demands, i'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because her bones are soaking up lots of calcium.
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained an extra kilo I'm now 55kg I'm climbing the scale surely.
Sleep: I'm very restless, with all the aches, my knees are very sore and so are my hips especially at night.
Best moment this week: Being able to spend time with my hubby.
Movement: Still very very active at night and the early hours of the morning.
Food cravings: Baby salad leaves. I drink a lot of water about 5 liters a day I'm always thirsty.Movement: Still very very active at night and the early hours of the morning.
Gender: It's a girl
Labor signs: None
Maternity clothes: some maternity and someof my normal tops.
Belly button in or out? Its out and there is no turning back, its actually tender when I touch it. Dont know if that is normal.
What I miss: Every thing about not being pregnant.
What I'm looking forward to? Catching up with house work, ohhh alot to be done before the mo ve to Durban and I dont think im looking forward to it but getting down with writing my exams yikes!
Weekly wisdom: None